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Frequently Asked Questions

Different Icons

What is the typical agenda for a meeting?

There is a great breakdown and description on the services tab. Please reference the three categories at the bottom of the page.


At the core of the agenda is the objective of each member achieving personal growth.  Through discussion of a monthly professional topic, members become more skilled and more confident.  They have a chance to get out of their comfort zone in an environment that is encouraging and facilitates learning and growth.

Credit Assessment

Is there a cost associated with membership?

Although nominal, we have found that by having a membership dues, it creates an environment where there is stronger attendance and more consistent commitment from the members.  If paid at the annual rate, the cost averages out to less than $30/mo.  For the benefit that is provided, we feel this is a tremendous value.


Additionally, these dues cover various costs we have related to meeting venues and technology.  It is our intention to continually reinvest in the organization to foster ongoing growth for our membership.

City Center

What type of organizations make up the membership?

​Although anyone who wants to become a better business professional can benefit, we believe certain types of professionals see more significant benefit.  This would include business owners or entreprenuers, sales people, fundraisers for non-profits or charities, and students who are considering pursuing one of these paths.  We also see members who are currently working for a larger company, but are considering starting their own.


Any industry or profession where marketing, prospecting, or business development roles are important will benefit from being a part of one of our teams.

Thank You

What happens if I decide MMC is not a fit for me after I join?

While we hope that won't be the case, we do recognize that there may be situations where we are not a perfect fit, or where life can get in the way.  If any member has to quit for any reason in the first 90 days, we offer a full refund.  No questions asked, 100% of the dues paid so far is returned in the form of a check.


If more than 90 days has passed, we offer a prorated refund based on how many calendar quarters have passed.  Please see the leadership for the specific percent breakdown.  This refund will also be given in the form of a check.

Connected Golden Spheres

Are referrals or leads tracked? If so, how?

Currently, there is no requirement that leads or referrals be passed.  Our hope is that members will build trust and rapport with other members, which will create an environment where they want to introduce each other to potential business opportunities.  Since there is no requirement, they are not tracked.  Unlike many other organizations, which are referral based, our return on investment comes from the professional development.


In the future, we will be implementing systems for referral and lead management, but they will be offered as an supplement to the organization, not a requirement.  More information will be available on that soon.

© 2023 MMC

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